About us

Gold Bracelet With White
Diamond Casato

My Story

Bellefire Treasure Ltd is an independent UK brand and retailer by myself Claire in Staffordshire UK.
After starting maternity leave in early 2022 and needing a little something to make me feel human again, I realised I had a perfect opportunity whilst being at home to use my creativity and passion to create my own company.
So in between feeds, nappies and adorable little squeals, I set about bringing my dreams lo life.
Whether it was in my conservatory, on the sofa, or on the road, I put my ideas into motion and began handmaking beaded bracelets that I felt showed a little of who I was. In a nutshell that is a little bit of everything.
Growing up I never seemed to fit into one box. One day I wanted to be Emo, another girly girl. Sometimes geeky, sometimes chiq. I always struggled with sticking to one thing. It wasn’t until I reached adulthood I realised it was OK to be a bit of everything, to be diverse and open.
In creating my affordable treasures the goal was to share my passions with others and show them its perfectly ok to change it up.
So here we are, with my non definitive jewellery brand.
I hope you love it as much as I do.